Tuesday, June 22, 2010

*003* Burnt Feet, Talking Inanimate Objects, and Why You Shouldn't Send Out Mass Texts if You Don't Want People Talking to You!

Friday, June 8, 2010 || ??:??pm

So, I totally burnt my feet earlier today. I was at Nanny's stealing her internet (like I do) when my mom called.

Mom: Go out to your car and see what size your tires are. *proceeds to explain to me the simple task of finding the size of my car's tires because she knows I am totally inept when it comes to anything related to cars*

Me: Okay, hang on! *does not get shoes to go outside*stops at the top of the METAL wheel chair ramp at my grandparents front porch*Sees the sun blaring on the ramp and the bit of concrete at the end of ramp*realizes the gate at the end that I'll have to open is ALSO inconveniently made of metal* Oh, God, this is gonna hurt! *runs on toes down the ramp/onto concrete/unlocks gate* Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow! *finally gets to the grass* That really hurt D:

And then I got the number and my mom got me an awesome deal on a used tire for my car! YAY!

So later, I tell Husband this story. And you know what he said? “Dumbass.” (he was joking about it, don't worry, he's not a total asshole, you guys! We have a weird sense of humor together, I swear!).

Of course, I told him that I'm totally NOT a dumbass. Because obviously I knew it was going to hurt and I realized I should've gotten shoes. But by the time I got to the ramp, I was too lazy and too determined on the mission Mom sent me on to go back for my shoes. I totally regretted this decision because when I got done with Mom's Mission for me I realized I had to burn my feet AGAIN and I really really really wished that I had thought the whole thing out or just turned around and grabbed my shoes when I had the chance!


After I told Husband that I was, in fact, NOT a dumbass and that I KNEW I forgot my shoes he went on to call me “Dumb lazy ass bitch” (again, totally joking manner/weird sense of humor for us, here guys, he is not emotionally/verbally abusing me, kay?) And we were both laughing at my Stupid Moment of the Day for awhile. It was fun. You should've been there! Haha

Edit: Okay, here's another entertaining moment between Husband and I:

Me: *trying to post something on Twitter while Husband is driving* Well, shit.

Husband: Lost signal when I turned?

Me: Like, the SECOND you decided you were gonna turn!

Husband: Do you want me to go back?

Me: *insert a very WTF?! look here* No. It's not THAT important! It's just my luck that I finish what I'm typing and it says NO, FUCK YOU!

For some reason, he thought that was REALLY funny. Like so funny that he laughed while he repeated what my cell phone said to me (or at least what I imagined it to say anyway).

It really amazes me that he's still so amused by me making inanimate objects talk or me talking to them. We've been together for over 2 years. Known each other for three. You'd think he'd be used to it by now! Maybe it's the things I say to them and make the inanimate objects say? I don't know, but it seems like he never ceases to be amused by it. It's actually pretty awesome. I like that he supports these things instead of sending me off to the loony bin. It's good for our relationship. Because if he DID I'm pretty sure we would be on bad terms. And that would make me really sad. So score for Husband supporting my really weird habits!

EDIT: Tuesday, June 22, 2010 @ 10:48AM

Okay, so for Father's Day I got Husband a braaaand spankin' new spiffy AT&T GoPhone. First off let me say he NEVER saw it coming! It was awesome.

Secondly: Dude. I thought he would get to text me for free since I have AT&T but it costs him TWENTY FREAKING CENTS PER TEXT! WTF?! Fail. Total. Fricking. FAIL!

And last, but certainly not least, some guy sent out a mass text message to a whole ton of people saying Happy Father's Day. Nice, right? But We didn't know the guy or his number so I got my phone and text the dude to see who it was, right? This is how the conversation went:

Me: Who is this? U text my fiance and he doesn't have this number in his phone.
[Just trying to figure out, no big deal right?]

Unknown: This is bill who is this and or your fiancee
[Nothing bad so far.... Also I find it hilarious that his name is Bill. I don't know why, but it really cracked me up!]

Me: My name is Kayla. My fiance is [Husband's Name]. His number is ***-***-*** we just got the phone dunno who your lookin for but they aren't at that #
[Me, asking very nicely for him not to text Husband, right? I wasn't mean AT ALL!]

Bill: Wasnt looking for anyone...fuck...was just sending out a mass phntext sayin happy friggn fathers day.yall knock it off n leavne my phn alone.tire of this
[He IMMEDIATELY takes offense to it! Why? I just don't want Husband to have to keep refilling his minutes just cause some douche thinks he's got someone else's number!]

Me: Uh you're the one that text him. Just don't text that # any more please you will cost him his minutes on his phone
[Still mostly being nice but definitely getting annoyed by this point cause...dude, this is totally lame.]

Bill: Agreed both was please no texte this phone either. Dont need the drama
[Drama? Where? I don't see any! HELP ME FIND IT! Wait, on second thought, DON'T. I hate drama!]

I was HIGHLY amused. The guy was probably drunk. Or high. Or something. Or just a pussy bitch. Either way, it was h-i-larious and I just had to share it with you guys!

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha. That's hilarious about the guy texting. Had a similar situation happen to me on Monday. This random person texted me (and you know I don't have texting on my phone either.) So I texted them back and asked who it was. He said some random name and I was like "You have the wrong number." Basically, to make a long story shorter, the dude texted me back like...3 times over the course of an hour and wouldn't get the point that, by not texting him back, I didn't want to talk to him. LOL. Finally, had to send him a text and tell him not to text me again and he stopped, but damn. You'd think he'd get the point.

    Don't know what the deal is with random people texting and calling me. People usually don't text, but damn if I don't get a lot of wrong number calls sometimes. It's annoying as hell.
